The parenthood planning platform to help you prepare your life for kids

Helen the Parenthood Planner is on a mission to turn anxious over-thinkers into fearless future parents

From how to budget for family life, to how to plan your career as a parent, from finding out how childcare works, to preparing your relationship, and much more.

She’ll help dispel your anxiety, resolve your uncertainties, and calm your panic, with her tools, resources, courses, information, advice and mentoring.


You’d like to feel more well-prepared and comfortable to move towards parenthood, but…

  • There’s SO much to think about! (It’s a bit overwhelming)
  • You’re too busy focusing on your career, and making the most of your childfree time
  • You don’t know where to start (so it’s easier not to!)
  • It’s scary! (and will making a plan put you off having kids, anyway?)

Hi, I’m Helen, and I help people like you, to plan how parenthood will fit in their lives – in advance!

I’m a (pretty satisfied with my decision) parent of 2 children (11 and 9), but before I had kids, I felt like you might feel now – under-prepared, anxious, and a bit clueless!

I had spent 20+ years in financial planning and corporate strategy, and my spreadsheet skills were legendary, but I struggled to apply my advanced planning skills to figuring out this new phase of my life.

I knew I needed a workable plan for my life as a parent, but the problem was, I didn’t know what one looked like. I didn’t know where to start. And no-one was offering to help me figure it out.

After a decade of dithering, I found myself in the adoption assessment and preparation process, where I finally got some help – and finally got comfortable with my plan.

Since then, I’ve made it my mission to create a solution to the problem of preparental anxiety and under-preparedness, for future parents of all kinds.

Inside The Club

The Parenthood Planning Club is an All Access Pass to all the Preparental courses, training, resources, workbooks and tools, plus personalised support so you can get your questions answered and move ahead confidently.

It’s designed to make you more comfortable with the prospect of becoming a parent, and help you make informed decisions.

Interactive courses and PlanBuilders

These include The Parenthood PurposeFinder, The Childcare PathFinder, and all future courses we create.
Create your own plans using our interactive PlanBuilder tools and workbooks.

Financial planning tools

Unlimited access to The Preparental Calculator (and help videos), plus – if you wish – your financial plan built for you through The Financial PlanBuilder service (UK clients only).

All your questions answered

You’ll get access to the Preparental Question Library, plus the chance to ask your own questions and get them personally answered.

Personal support

Claim a 30 minute prioritisation call, to discuss your Self-Assessment, with Helen, The Parenthood Planner, so you can reflect on your priorities and prioritise your planning.


Feel comfortable and confident going into parenthood.

Get fully supported to plan and prepare for

your experience of parenthood.

  • Stop the overwhelm and overthinking
  • Avoid disappearing down rabbit holes, and work on what’s important
  • Make well-informed decisions on childcare, work, money, home and location, and timing
  • Create a plan you can be confident in, and comfortable with
  • Get your questions answered personally

You might be wondering….

Yes and no. The Club has been created with UK residents in mind.

In the educational material, the UK is referenced more than other countries, however sometimes it’s useful to cite research from other countries.

The financial planning tools are UK-specific because of the country-specific nature of costs, government policies, benefits, taxes, etc.

If you are not living in the UK, you may join The Parenthood Planning Club, but you may not find all the resources are directly aimed at you. If you’re not sure whether this will be useful for you because of your location, please email me at and I’ll be totally honest about how much value I think you’ll get from this.

No. I’m not qualified to recommend any financial products, nor do I do so, and I’m not regulated by the FCA or any other authority.

I am ‘qualified by experience’ including my 20+ years in a financial planning related career.

My financial plans are designed to be indicative, and they focus purely on income and expenditure, not on investments.

I offer no guarantees of my financial projections as tax rules and macro-economics can change at any time.

Not for the long term. But for members who join now, we are currently offering 1:1 30 minute prioritisation calls and further calls if requested and agreed.

On your members’ Dashboard you will see a link to book one of these calls.

There’s no risk to joining The Club. Join in good faith with full payment, and after 7 days, if you’re not satisfied that it will be valuable for you, just let us know what’s missing or what’s not right, and we’ll refund all your money, with no hard feelings. Does that sound fair?

Featured Blog Posts

“Purposeful Parenthood Planning with Helen Cammack”
How To Plan | Podcast Episodes

“Purposeful Parenthood Planning with Helen Cammack”

Tamsin Williamson, The Parenthood Coach, interviewed Helen Cammack, the founder of Preparental, for her ‘Do Your Thing’ podcast (it’s episode 27), about how the act of purposefully planning her experience of parenthood ahead of time has had a profound impact on how she does her thing in her life and Motherhood. How to Listen You…